Properties of Edible Mushrooms
- Mushrooms especially fresh ones contain a large amount of protein necessary for the body. In this term, their protein content is about twice that of most vegetables and other legumes.
- The protein of mushrooms is one of the richest proteins in terms of amino acids, which is the main component of protein. In general, due to the high value of mushroom protein and its high digestibility, it is highly recommended for the elderly to use them.
- One of the most important features of mushroom that has made nutritionists highly recommend it is its low-fat content. Daily consumption of 100 grams of mushrooms meets the body’s vitamin C.
- In addition, mushrooms are a good source of vitamins B1 and B2. The mineral ingredients of mushrooms have better quality and quantity compared to vegetables and fruit. Edible mushrooms have a significant amount of potassium, iron, and copper and they can meet the body’s phosphorous.
- Mushrooms caps are rich in phosphorous. Mushrooms produce lovastatin naturally and this compound can be very effective in reducing fat and blood cholesterol. There is a substance called bioferiolid in mushrooms that prevents the forming of risky fat reservoirs in arteries. This substance prevents the forming of low-density cholesterols and fatty acids in cells and blood.
- Mushrooms improve bones and relieve fatigue and also the deficiency of vitamin D. sunlight can produce vitamin D in the body but in winter, the body cannot use sunlight well and therefore it cannot produce vitamin D. So in winter, it is recommended to eat foods with vitamin D.
- Mushrooms should be eaten cooked since they have polluting substances that are removed only by cooking. However, the mushrooms that are produced at industrial units can be eaten after washing without any problem.
- It is recommended to avoid buying bulk mushrooms since the possibility of poisoning through this type of mushrooms is very high.
- Medical studies show that by eating mushrooms, the body’s immune system improves, life expectancy increases, blood cholesterol lowers, viruses remove, and finally, heart diseases are prevented.
- Due to the presence of carbohydrates and iron in mushrooms, doctors recommend its consumption to diabetics and people who care about strengthening their immune system and those who have a special diet (diet).
- From ancient times the people of China and Japan used mushrooms to treat cancer. They knew that mushrooms have anti-tumor properties. After that, with advances in science and technology, the therapeutic properties of mushrooms were discovered, and eventually, anti-tumor compounds and several types of glucans were discovered.
- Edible mushrooms contain vitamin B1 which meets the body’s need for vitamin B1. They prevent beriberi in humans caused by thiamine deficiency. mushrooms also prevent anemia due to their vitamin B12 content.
- The effect on heart and blood cholesterol Edible mushrooms, like different types of oyster mushrooms, are a good alternative in the diet for people with high blood cholesterol due to their high fiber, sterols, proteins, beneficial minerals, and limited calories.
- Reducing blood sugar Extracts of several edible and medicinal mushrooms, including Ganoderma, lucidum, and white button mushrooms, have been reported as reducers of blood glucose and are recommended in the diet of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Antimicrobial effects Edible mushrooms play an important role in eliminating viral, bacterial, and mushroom infections and reducing the resistance of viruses, bacteria, and mushrooms to common antibiotics due to their diverse polysaccharide compositions. Extensive experiments have been performed on more than 200 species of fungi in Spain, and it is reported that approximately 50% of the studied species have high direct antibiotic activity against many microbes.