Medicinal properties of mushrooms:

Mushrooms and lovastatin

Lovastatin is one of the important combinations of mushrooms. Mushrooms naturally produce lovastatin and this combination can be effective in reducing blood cholesterol and fat.

Mushrooms and bioferiolid

In mushrooms, there is a substance called bioferiold which prevents forming of risky fat reservoirs in arteries. Also, it prevents forming of low-intensity cholesterols and fatty acids in the blood.

Mushrooms and lentinan

Mushrooms contain a compound of the phytonutrient group called lentinan, which is found in button and oyster mushrooms and prevents the growth of malignant tumors.

Mushrooms and germanium

This compound in mushrooms relieves fatigue and increases energy in people.

Other medicinal properties of mushrooms

Anti-tumor and booster of the body’s defense system

Regulation of blood sugar

Reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure

Preventing blockage of blood vessels

Anti-inflammatory skin

