Improving the nutritional and medicinal value of Mehrshahr organic mushrooms

• Improving the nutritional and medicinal value of Mehrshahr organic mushrooms
• Increase vitamin D up to 78 times

the unitResultexplanationtreatment
IU/100 g0.64Control sampleA
IU/100 g50A sample of mushrooms enriched with vitamin DE

The role of vitamin D in strengthening the immune system: Vitamin D plays an important role in different parts of the body, one of which is strengthening the immune system. If the amount of this vitamin in the body is low, the body becomes more sensitive to infectious diseases, including the corona virus. Ways to supply vitamin D include sunlight, food sources (edible mushrooms, oily fish, fish liver oil, eggs…) and vitamin D supplements. Some studies have shown that people with severe Covid-19 and hospitalized have low serum levels of vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency). This vitamin is important for the health of bones, teeth and muscles. This vitamin helps regulate blood sugar, heart and blood vessels, and lungs and airways. It also plays a role in strengthening the immune system. These areas are also affected by covid-19, so prescribing vitamin D to people with covid-19 may help them recover faster or the severity of the disease is less. Studies by scientists show that active forms of vitamin D can prevent the recurrence and exacerbation of the corona situation. By consuming three or four organic mushrooms enriched with Mehrshahr vitamin D, meet the average daily requirement of vitamin “D” in the body.