Minerals in mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in minerals, which are usually present in the form of salts. These materials include: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine, iron, copper, molybdenum, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium, manganese, etc. Minerals help to develop body tissues. It regulates the fluids inside the body and has various other roles in the body. Like vitamins, they are needed by the body in small amounts and play a vital role in human life. These substances, which are excreted daily from the body through the kidneys, intestines and skin, must be entered into the body daily. These substances may exist as organic and inorganic compounds in the body. Organic compounds include phosphoproteins, phospholipids, hemoglobin, thyroxine, and inorganic compounds including chloracid, calcium phosphate, and specific free ions. These important minerals are found in all kinds of edible mushrooms. Minerals in mushrooms are divided into the following three important groups: Major minerals or macro minerals: macro minerals are calcium, phosphorus, sodium and chlorine, these substances are required by the body in large amounts, at least 100 mg per day.
Minor minerals: These substances are needed by the body in small amounts, about a few milligrams, and these substances include iron, sulfur and magnesium, which, while being small in terms of quantity, play an important role in the human body. Materials with low consumption (Traceelements or Mine minerals) These materials are needed in small amounts by the body and include iodine, molybdenum and zinc.
The role of minerals in the body
Various minerals are found in edible mushrooms, and the important role of these substances is as follows:
1- The main components of bones, teeth, soft tissues, muscles, blood and nerve cells.
2- They help to regulate nerve activity during muscle contraction.
3- They help to regulate acid-base fluids in the body.
4- They establish water balance with the help of osmotic pressure and regulate water permeability in body cells.
5- They help the digestion of food in the body.
6- They form the structural part of molecules, hormones and enzymes.
7- They act as activators of enzymes and cellular oxidation.
Body needs for minerals
The body needs minerals to perform the activities of different parts. Different parts of the body show signs of mineral deficiency in different ways. Symptoms of mineral deficiency are shown in the following table:
In general, mushrooms contain a significant amount of phosphorus, sodium, potassium and a smaller amount of iron and calcium, in addition to containing a small amount of carnium, selenium and lead.